Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeMap.Entry

Uses of TreeMap.Entry in java.util

Fields in java.util declared as TreeMap.Entry
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.root
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.Iterator.lastReturned
private  TreeMap.Entry
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.Iterator.firstExcluded
(package private)  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.Entry.left
(package private)  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.Entry.right
(package private)  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.Entry.parent

Methods in java.util that return TreeMap.Entry
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.getEntry(Object key)
          Returns this map's entry for the given key, or null if the map does not contain an entry for the key.
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.getCeilEntry(Object key)
          Gets the entry corresponding to the specified key; if no such entry exists, returns the entry for the least key greater than the specified key; if no such entry exists (i.e., the greatest key in the Tree is less than the specified key), returns null.
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.getPrecedingEntry(Object key)
          Returns the entry for the greatest key less than the specified key; if no such entry exists (i.e., the least key in the Tree is greater than the specified key), returns null.
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.firstEntry()
          Returns the first Entry in the TreeMap (according to the TreeMap's key-sort function).
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.lastEntry()
          Returns the last Entry in the TreeMap (according to the TreeMap's key-sort function).
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.successor(TreeMap.Entry t)
          Returns the successor of the specified Entry, or null if no such.
private static TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.parentOf(TreeMap.Entry p)
private static TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.leftOf(TreeMap.Entry p)
private static TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.rightOf(TreeMap.Entry p)
private static TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.buildFromSorted(int level, int lo, int hi, int redLevel, Iterator it, ObjectInputStream str, Object defaultVal)
          Recursive "helper method" that does the real work of the of the previous method.

Methods in java.util with parameters of type TreeMap.Entry
private  boolean TreeMap.valueSearchNull(TreeMap.Entry n)
private  boolean TreeMap.valueSearchNonNull(TreeMap.Entry n, Object value)
private static Object TreeMap.key(TreeMap.Entry e)
          Returns the key corresonding to the specified Entry.
private  TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.successor(TreeMap.Entry t)
          Returns the successor of the specified Entry, or null if no such.
private static boolean TreeMap.colorOf(TreeMap.Entry p)
          Balancing operations.
private static TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.parentOf(TreeMap.Entry p)
private static void TreeMap.setColor(TreeMap.Entry p, boolean c)
private static TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.leftOf(TreeMap.Entry p)
private static TreeMap.Entry TreeMap.rightOf(TreeMap.Entry p)
private  void TreeMap.rotateLeft(TreeMap.Entry p)
          From CLR
private  void TreeMap.rotateRight(TreeMap.Entry p)
          From CLR
private  void TreeMap.fixAfterInsertion(TreeMap.Entry x)
          From CLR
private  void TreeMap.deleteEntry(TreeMap.Entry p)
          Delete node p, and then rebalance the tree.
private  void TreeMap.fixAfterDeletion(TreeMap.Entry x)
          From CLR
private  void TreeMap.swapPosition(TreeMap.Entry x, TreeMap.Entry y)
          Swap the linkages of two nodes in a tree.

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type TreeMap.Entry
TreeMap.Iterator.TreeMap.Iterator(TreeMap.Entry first, TreeMap.Entry firstExcluded)
TreeMap.Entry.TreeMap.Entry(Object key, Object value, TreeMap.Entry parent)
          Make a new cell with given key, value, and parent, and with null child links, and BLACK color.