Uses of Class

Packages that use ResourceBundle

Uses of ResourceBundle in java.awt

Fields in java.awt declared as ResourceBundle
private static ResourceBundle Toolkit.resources
          Support for I18N: any visible strings should be stored in

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type ResourceBundle
static ComponentOrientation ComponentOrientation.getOrientation(ResourceBundle bdl)
          Return the orientation appropriate for the given ResourceBundle's localization.
 void Window.applyResourceBundle(ResourceBundle rb)
          Apply the settings in the given ResourceBundle to this Window.

Uses of ResourceBundle in java.util

Subclasses of ResourceBundle in java.util
 class ListResourceBundle
          ListResourceBundle is a abstract subclass of ResourceBundle that manages resources for a locale in a convenient and easy to use list.
 class PropertyResourceBundle
          PropertyResourceBundle is a concrete subclass of ResourceBundle that manages resources for a locale using a set of static strings from a property file.

Fields in java.util declared as ResourceBundle
protected  ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.parent
          The parent bundle is consulted by getObject when this bundle does not contain a particular resource.

Methods in java.util that return ResourceBundle
static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName)
          Get the appropriate ResourceBundle subclass.
static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale)
          Get the appropriate ResourceBundle subclass.
static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.getBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader)
          Get the appropriate ResourceBundle subclass.
private static ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.findBundle(String baseName, StringBuffer localeName, ClassLoader loader, boolean includeBase)
          The internal routine that does the real work of finding and loading the right ResourceBundle for a given name and locale.

Methods in java.util with parameters of type ResourceBundle
protected  void ResourceBundle.setParent(ResourceBundle parent)
          Set the parent bundle of this bundle.
private  String[] Locale.getDisplayVariantArray(ResourceBundle bundle)
          Return an array of the display names of the variant.