Uses of Class

Packages that use Hashtable

Uses of Hashtable in com.jjt.utbeg

Fields in com.jjt.utbeg declared as Hashtable
private  Hashtable UserParameters.hashtable
          The Collection in which to store key-value pairs, in this case parameterName-parameterValue.

Uses of Hashtable in java.awt

Fields in java.awt declared as Hashtable
(package private)  Hashtable
private static Hashtable Cursor.systemCustomCursors
protected  Hashtable GridBagLayout.comptable
          This hashtable maintains the association between a component and its gridbag constraints.
private  Hashtable Font.fRequestedAttributes
          A map of font attributes available in this font.
private static Hashtable Font.fontCache

Methods in java.awt that return Hashtable
private static Hashtable Font.ffApply(String name, Map attributes)
private static Hashtable Font.ffApply(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform trans, Map attributes)
private static Hashtable Font.ffApply(int style, Map attributes)
private static Hashtable Font.ffApply(float size, Map attributes)
private static Hashtable Font.ffApply(String name, int style, float size, Map attributes)

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type Hashtable
private  void Font.initializeFont(Hashtable attributes)

Uses of Hashtable in java.beans

Fields in java.beans declared as Hashtable
private static Hashtable PropertyEditorManager.registry
private  Hashtable FeatureDescriptor.table
private  Hashtable VetoableChangeSupport.children
          Hashtable for managing listeners for specific properties.
private  Hashtable PropertyChangeSupport.children
          Hashtable for managing listeners for specific properties.
(package private)  Hashtable BeansAppletContext.imageCache
private static Hashtable Introspector.beanInfoCache
private  Hashtable Introspector.methods
private static Hashtable Introspector.declaredMethodCache
private  Hashtable
private  Hashtable

Methods in java.beans with parameters of type Hashtable
private  void FeatureDescriptor.addTable(Hashtable t)

Uses of Hashtable in java.util

Subclasses of Hashtable in java.util
 class Properties
          The Properties class represents a persistent set of properties.

Fields in java.util declared as Hashtable
private  Hashtable PropertyPermissionCollection.permissions
          Table of permissions.
private static Hashtable Calendar.cachedLocaleData
          Cache to hold the firstDayOfWeek and minimalDaysInFirstWeek of a Locale.
private static Hashtable TimeZone.cachedLocaleData
          Cache to hold the SimpleDateFormat objects for a Locale.
private static Hashtable TimeZoneData.lookup
private static Hashtable ResourceBundle.cacheList
private  Hashtable ListResourceBundle.lookup
private static Hashtable Locale.ctry2LangMapping
          Table mapping ISO country codes to the ISO language codes of the languages spoken in those countries.

Methods in java.util with parameters of type Hashtable
private  void Properties.enumerate(Hashtable h)
          Enumerates all key/value pairs in the specified hastable.

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type Hashtable
Hashtable.Enumerator.Hashtable.Enumerator(int type, boolean iterator)