Uses of Class

Packages that use Date

Uses of Date in java.util

Methods in java.util that return Date
 Date Calendar.getTime()
          Gets this Calendar's current time.
 Date GregorianCalendar.getGregorianChange()
          Gets the Gregorian Calendar change date.

Methods in java.util with parameters of type Date
 void Calendar.setTime(Date date)
          Sets this Calendar's current time with the given Date.
 void GregorianCalendar.setGregorianChange(Date date)
          Sets the GregorianCalendar change date.
abstract  boolean TimeZone.inDaylightTime(Date date)
          Queries if the given date is in daylight savings time in this time zone.
 boolean SimpleTimeZone.inDaylightTime(Date date)
          Overrides TimeZone Queries if the given date is in Daylight Savings Time.
 boolean Date.before(Date when)
          Tests if this date is before the specified date.
 boolean Date.after(Date when)
          Tests if this date is after the specified date.
 int Date.compareTo(Date anotherDate)
          Compares two Dates for ordering.