Uses of Interface

Packages that use Comparator   

Uses of Comparator in

Classes in that implement Comparator
private static class ObjectStreamClass.CompareClassByName
private static class ObjectStreamClass.CompareMemberByName
private static class ObjectStreamClass.MethodSignature

Fields in declared as Comparator
private static Comparator ObjectStreamClass.compareClassByName
private static Comparator ObjectStreamClass.compareMemberByName

Uses of Comparator in java.lang

Fields in java.lang declared as Comparator
static Comparator String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER
          Returns a Comparator that orders String objects as by compareToIgnoreCase.

Uses of Comparator in java.util

Classes in java.util that implement Comparator
private static class Collections.ReverseComparator

Fields in java.util declared as Comparator
private static Comparator Collections.REVERSE_ORDER
private  Comparator TreeMap.comparator
          The Comparator used to maintain order in this TreeMap, or null if this TreeMap uses its elements natural ordering.

Methods in java.util that return Comparator
static Comparator Collections.reverseOrder()
          Returns a comparator that imposes the reverse of the natural ordering on a collection of objects that implement the Comparable interface.
 Comparator Collections.UnmodifiableSortedSet.comparator()
 Comparator Collections.UnmodifiableSortedMap.comparator()
 Comparator Collections.SynchronizedSortedSet.comparator()
 Comparator Collections.SynchronizedSortedMap.comparator()
 Comparator TreeSet.comparator()
          Returns the comparator used to order this sorted set, or null if this tree map uses its keys natural ordering.
 Comparator SortedSet.comparator()
          Returns the comparator associated with this sorted set, or null if it uses its elements' natural ordering.
 Comparator TreeMap.comparator()
          Returns the comparator used to order this map, or null if this map uses its keys' natural order.
 Comparator TreeMap.SubMap.comparator()
 Comparator SortedMap.comparator()
          Returns the comparator associated with this sorted map, or null if it uses its keys' natural ordering.

Methods in java.util with parameters of type Comparator
static void Collections.sort(List list, Comparator c)
          Sorts the specified list according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
static int Collections.binarySearch(List list, Object key, Comparator c)
          Searches the specified list for the specified object using the binary search algorithm.
static Object Collections.min(Collection coll, Comparator comp)
          Returns the minimum element of the given collection, according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
static Object Collections.max(Collection coll, Comparator comp)
          Returns the maximum element of the given collection, according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
static void Arrays.sort(Object[] a, Comparator c)
          Sorts the specified array of objects according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
static void Arrays.sort(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, Comparator c)
          Sorts the specified range of the specified array of objects according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
private static void Arrays.mergeSort(Object[] src, Object[] dest, int low, int high, Comparator c)
static int Arrays.binarySearch(Object[] a, Object key, Comparator c)
          Searches the specified array for the specified object using the binary search algorithm.

Constructors in java.util with parameters of type Comparator
TreeSet.TreeSet(Comparator c)
          Constructs a new, empty set, sorted according to the given comparator.
TreeMap.TreeMap(Comparator c)
          Constructs a new, empty map, sorted according to the given comparator.