Uses of Class

Packages that use ThreadLocal.Entry

Uses of ThreadLocal.Entry in java.lang

Subclasses of ThreadLocal.Entry in java.lang
(package private)  class InheritableThreadLocal.Entry
          The information associated with an (InheritableThreadLocal,Thread) pair.

Methods in java.lang that return ThreadLocal.Entry
private  ThreadLocal.Entry ThreadLocal.ourEntry(boolean initUponCreate)
          Returns the calling thread's Entry for this ThreadLocal, creating a new one and putting it in the map if none exists.
(package private)  ThreadLocal.Entry ThreadLocal.newEntry(Object value)
          This factory method is overriden by InheritableThreadLocal to specialize behavior.
(package private)  ThreadLocal.Entry InheritableThreadLocal.newEntry(Object value)
          Overrides method in ThreadLocal and implements inheritability, in conjunction with the bequeath method.