Class BufferedInputStream


public class BufferedInputStream
extends FilterInputStream

A BufferedInputStream adds functionality to another input stream-namely, the ability to buffer the input and to support the mark and reset methods. When the BufferedInputStream is created, an internal buffer array is created. As bytes from the stream are read or skipped, the internal buffer is refilled as necessary from the contained input stream, many bytes at a time. The mark operation remembers a point in the input stream and the reset operation causes all the bytes read since the most recent mark operation to be reread before new bytes are taken from the contained input stream.


Field Summary
protected  byte[] buf
          The internal buffer array where the data is stored.
protected  int count
          The index one greater than the index of the last valid byte in the buffer.
private static int defaultBufferSize
protected  int marklimit
          The maximum read ahead allowed after a call to the mark method before subsequent calls to the reset method fail.
protected  int markpos
          The value of the pos field at the time the last mark method was called.
protected  int pos
          The current position in the buffer.
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a BufferedInputStream and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use.
BufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
          Creates a BufferedInputStream with the specified buffer size, and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use.
Method Summary
 int available()
          Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
 void close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
private  void ensureOpen()
          Check to make sure that this stream has not been closed
private  void fill()
          Fills the buffer with more data, taking into account shuffling and other tricks for dealing with marks.
 void mark(int readlimit)
          See the general contract of the mark method of InputStream.
 boolean markSupported()
          Tests if this input stream supports the mark and reset methods.
 int read()
          See the general contract of the read method of InputStream.
 int read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads bytes from this byte-input stream into the specified byte array, starting at the given offset.
private  int read1(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Read characters into a portion of an array, reading from the underlying stream at most once if necessary.
 void reset()
          See the general contract of the reset method of InputStream.
 long skip(long n)
          See the general contract of the skip method of InputStream.
Methods inherited from class
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static int defaultBufferSize


protected byte[] buf
The internal buffer array where the data is stored. When necessary, it may be replaced by another array of a different size.


protected int count
The index one greater than the index of the last valid byte in the buffer. This value is always in the range 0 through buf.length; elements buf[0] through buf[count-1] contain buffered input data obtained from the underlying input stream.


protected int pos
The current position in the buffer. This is the index of the next character to be read from the buf array.

This value is always in the range 0 through count. If it is less than count, then buf[pos] is the next byte to be supplied as input; if it is equal to count, then the next read or skip operation will require more bytes to be read from the contained input stream.

See Also:


protected int markpos
The value of the pos field at the time the last mark method was called.

This value is always in the range -1 through pos. If there is no marked position in the input stream, this field is -1. If there is a marked position in the input stream, then buf[markpos] is the first byte to be supplied as input after a reset operation. If markpos is not -1, then all bytes from positions buf[markpos] through buf[pos-1] must remain in the buffer array (though they may be moved to another place in the buffer array, with suitable adjustments to the values of count, pos, and markpos); they may not be discarded unless and until the difference between pos and markpos exceeds marklimit.

See Also:
mark(int), pos


protected int marklimit
The maximum read ahead allowed after a call to the mark method before subsequent calls to the reset method fail. Whenever the difference between pos and markpos exceeds marklimit, then the mark may be dropped by setting markpos to -1.
See Also:
mark(int), reset()
Constructor Detail


public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
Creates a BufferedInputStream and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use. An internal buffer array is created and stored in buf.
in - the underlying input stream.


public BufferedInputStream(InputStream in,
                           int size)
Creates a BufferedInputStream with the specified buffer size, and saves its argument, the input stream in, for later use. An internal buffer array of length size is created and stored in buf.
in - the underlying input stream.
size - the buffer size.
IllegalArgumentException - if size <= 0.
Method Detail


private void ensureOpen()
                 throws IOException
Check to make sure that this stream has not been closed


private void fill()
           throws IOException
Fills the buffer with more data, taking into account shuffling and other tricks for dealing with marks. Assumes that it is being called by a synchronized method. This method also assumes that all data has already been read in, hence pos > count.


public int read()
         throws IOException
See the general contract of the read method of InputStream.
the next byte of data, or -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
read in class FilterInputStream
See Also:


private int read1(byte[] b,
                  int off,
                  int len)
           throws IOException
Read characters into a portion of an array, reading from the underlying stream at most once if necessary.


public int read(byte[] b,
                int off,
                int len)
         throws IOException
Reads bytes from this byte-input stream into the specified byte array, starting at the given offset.

This method implements the general contract of the corresponding read method of the InputStream class. As an additional convenience, it attempts to read as many bytes as possible by repeatedly invoking the read method of the underlying stream. This iterated read continues until one of the following conditions becomes true:

If the first read on the underlying stream returns -1 to indicate end-of-file then this method returns -1. Otherwise this method returns the number of bytes actually read.

Subclasses of this class are encouraged, but not required, to attempt to read as many bytes as possible in the same fashion.

b - destination buffer.
off - offset at which to start storing bytes.
len - maximum number of bytes to read.
the number of bytes read, or -1 if the end of the stream has been reached.
IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
read in class FilterInputStream


public long skip(long n)
          throws IOException
See the general contract of the skip method of InputStream.
n - the number of bytes to be skipped.
the actual number of bytes skipped.
IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
skip in class FilterInputStream


public int available()
              throws IOException
Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.

The available method of BufferedInputStream returns the sum of the the number of bytes remaining to be read in the buffer (count - pos) and the result of calling the available method of the underlying input stream.

the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
available in class FilterInputStream
See Also:


public void mark(int readlimit)
See the general contract of the mark method of InputStream.
readlimit - the maximum limit of bytes that can be read before the mark position becomes invalid.
mark in class FilterInputStream
See Also:


public void reset()
           throws IOException
See the general contract of the reset method of InputStream.

If markpos is -1 (no mark has been set or the mark has been invalidated), an IOException is thrown. Otherwise, pos is set equal to markpos.

IOException - if this stream has not been marked or if the mark has been invalidated.
reset in class FilterInputStream
See Also:


public boolean markSupported()
Tests if this input stream supports the mark and reset methods. The markSupported method of BufferedInputStream returns true.
a boolean indicating if this stream type supports the mark and reset methods.
markSupported in class FilterInputStream
See Also:
InputStream.mark(int), InputStream.reset()


public void close()
           throws IOException
Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
close in class FilterInputStream