Class EventSetDescriptor


public class EventSetDescriptor
extends FeatureDescriptor

An EventSetDescriptor describes a group of events that a given Java bean fires.

The given group of events are all delivered as method calls on a single event listener interface, and an event listener object can be registered via a call on a registration method supplied by the event source.

Field Summary
private  java.lang.reflect.Method addMethod
private  boolean inDefaultEventSet
private  MethodDescriptor[] listenerMethodDescriptors
private  java.lang.reflect.Method[] listenerMethods
private  Class listenerType
private  java.lang.reflect.Method removeMethod
private  boolean unicast
Fields inherited from class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
displayName, expert, hidden, name, preferred, shortDescription, table
Constructor Summary
  EventSetDescriptor(Class sourceClass, String eventSetName, Class listenerType, String listenerMethodName)
          This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor assuming that you are following the most simple standard design pattern where a named event "fred" is (1) delivered as a call on the single method of interface FredListener, (2) has a single argument of type FredEvent, and (3) where the FredListener may be registered with a call on an addFredListener method of the source component and removed with a call on a removeFredListener method.
  EventSetDescriptor(Class sourceClass, String eventSetName, Class listenerType, String[] listenerMethodNames, String addListenerMethodName, String removeListenerMethodName)
          This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using string names.
(package private) EventSetDescriptor(EventSetDescriptor old)
(package private) EventSetDescriptor(EventSetDescriptor x, EventSetDescriptor y)
  EventSetDescriptor(String eventSetName, Class listenerType, java.lang.reflect.Method[] listenerMethods, java.lang.reflect.Method addListenerMethod, java.lang.reflect.Method removeListenerMethod)
          This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using java.lang.reflect.Method and java.lang.Class objects.
  EventSetDescriptor(String eventSetName, Class listenerType, MethodDescriptor[] listenerMethodDescriptors, java.lang.reflect.Method addListenerMethod, java.lang.reflect.Method removeListenerMethod)
          This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using java.lang.reflect.MethodDescriptor and java.lang.Class objects.
Method Summary
 java.lang.reflect.Method getAddListenerMethod()
          Gets the method used to add event listeners.
 MethodDescriptor[] getListenerMethodDescriptors()
          Gets the MethodDescriptors of the target listener interface.
 java.lang.reflect.Method[] getListenerMethods()
          Gets the methods of the target listener interface.
 Class getListenerType()
          Gets the Class object for the target interface.
 java.lang.reflect.Method getRemoveListenerMethod()
          Gets the method used to remove event listeners.
 boolean isInDefaultEventSet()
          Report if an event set is in the "default set".
 boolean isUnicast()
          Normally event sources are multicast.
 void setInDefaultEventSet(boolean inDefaultEventSet)
          Mark an event set as being in the "default" set (or not).
 void setUnicast(boolean unicast)
          Mark an event set as unicast (or not).
Methods inherited from class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
addTable, attributeNames, getDisplayName, getName, getShortDescription, getValue, isExpert, isHidden, isPreferred, setDisplayName, setExpert, setHidden, setName, setPreferred, setShortDescription, setValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private Class listenerType


private java.lang.reflect.Method[] listenerMethods


private MethodDescriptor[] listenerMethodDescriptors


private java.lang.reflect.Method addMethod


private java.lang.reflect.Method removeMethod


private boolean unicast


private boolean inDefaultEventSet
Constructor Detail


public EventSetDescriptor(Class sourceClass,
                          String eventSetName,
                          Class listenerType,
                          String listenerMethodName)
                   throws IntrospectionException
This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor assuming that you are following the most simple standard design pattern where a named event "fred" is (1) delivered as a call on the single method of interface FredListener, (2) has a single argument of type FredEvent, and (3) where the FredListener may be registered with a call on an addFredListener method of the source component and removed with a call on a removeFredListener method.
sourceClass - The class firing the event.
eventSetName - The programmatic name of the event. E.g. "fred". Note that this should normally start with a lower-case character.
listenerType - The target interface that events will get delivered to.
listenerMethodName - The method that will get called when the event gets delivered to its target listener interface.
IntrospectionException - if an exception occurs during introspection.


public EventSetDescriptor(Class sourceClass,
                          String eventSetName,
                          Class listenerType,
                          String[] listenerMethodNames,
                          String addListenerMethodName,
                          String removeListenerMethodName)
                   throws IntrospectionException
This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using string names.
sourceClass - The class firing the event.
eventSetName - The programmatic name of the event set. Note that this should normally start with a lower-case character.
listenerType - The Class of the target interface that events will get delivered to.
listenerMethodNames - The names of the methods that will get called when the event gets delivered to its target listener interface.
addListenerMethodName - The name of the method on the event source that can be used to register an event listener object.
removeListenerMethodName - The name of the method on the event source that can be used to de-register an event listener object.
IntrospectionException - if an exception occurs during introspection.


public EventSetDescriptor(String eventSetName,
                          Class listenerType,
                          java.lang.reflect.Method[] listenerMethods,
                          java.lang.reflect.Method addListenerMethod,
                          java.lang.reflect.Method removeListenerMethod)
                   throws IntrospectionException
This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using java.lang.reflect.Method and java.lang.Class objects.
eventSetName - The programmatic name of the event set.
listenerType - The Class for the listener interface.
listenerMethods - An array of Method objects describing each of the event handling methods in the target listener.
addListenerMethod - The method on the event source that can be used to register an event listener object.
removeListenerMethod - The method on the event source that can be used to de-register an event listener object.
IntrospectionException - if an exception occurs during introspection.


public EventSetDescriptor(String eventSetName,
                          Class listenerType,
                          MethodDescriptor[] listenerMethodDescriptors,
                          java.lang.reflect.Method addListenerMethod,
                          java.lang.reflect.Method removeListenerMethod)
                   throws IntrospectionException
This constructor creates an EventSetDescriptor from scratch using java.lang.reflect.MethodDescriptor and java.lang.Class objects.
eventSetName - The programmatic name of the event set.
listenerType - The Class for the listener interface.
listenerMethodDescriptors - An array of MethodDescriptor objects describing each of the event handling methods in the target listener.
addListenerMethod - The method on the event source that can be used to register an event listener object.
removeListenerMethod - The method on the event source that can be used to de-register an event listener object.
IntrospectionException - if an exception occurs during introspection.


EventSetDescriptor(EventSetDescriptor x,
                   EventSetDescriptor y)


EventSetDescriptor(EventSetDescriptor old)
Method Detail


public Class getListenerType()
Gets the Class object for the target interface.
The Class object for the target interface that will get invoked when the event is fired.


public java.lang.reflect.Method[] getListenerMethods()
Gets the methods of the target listener interface.
An array of Method objects for the target methods within the target listener interface that will get called when events are fired.


public MethodDescriptor[] getListenerMethodDescriptors()
Gets the MethodDescriptors of the target listener interface.
An array of MethodDescriptor objects for the target methods within the target listener interface that will get called when events are fired.


public java.lang.reflect.Method getAddListenerMethod()
Gets the method used to add event listeners.
The method used to register a listener at the event source.


public java.lang.reflect.Method getRemoveListenerMethod()
Gets the method used to remove event listeners.
The method used to remove a listener at the event source.


public void setUnicast(boolean unicast)
Mark an event set as unicast (or not).
unicast - True if the event set is unicast.


public boolean isUnicast()
Normally event sources are multicast. However there are some exceptions that are strictly unicast.
True if the event set is unicast. Defaults to "false".


public void setInDefaultEventSet(boolean inDefaultEventSet)
Mark an event set as being in the "default" set (or not). By default this is true.
unicast - True if the event set is unicast.


public boolean isInDefaultEventSet()
Report if an event set is in the "default set".
True if the event set is in the "default set". Defaults to "true".