Uses of Class

Packages that use Insets

Uses of Insets in com.jjt.utbeg

Fields in com.jjt.utbeg declared as Insets
private static Insets SeismicDesignExerciseApplet.insets
          Empty border Insets for these Applets.
private  Insets BorderPanel.insets

Methods in com.jjt.utbeg that return Insets
 Insets SeismicDesignExerciseApplet.getInsets()
          Component method over-ridden to define an empty border around this Applet.
 Insets BorderPanel.getInsets()

Uses of Insets in java.awt

Fields in java.awt declared as Insets
 Insets GridBagConstraints.insets
          This field specifies the external padding of the component, the minimum amount of space between the component and the edges of its display area.

Methods in java.awt that return Insets
 Insets Container.getInsets()
          Determines the insets of this container, which indicate the size of the container's border.
 Insets Container.insets()
          Deprecated. As of JDK version 1.1, replaced by getInsets().

Constructors in java.awt with parameters of type Insets
GridBagConstraints.GridBagConstraints(int gridx, int gridy, int gridwidth, int gridheight, double weightx, double weighty, int anchor, int fill, Insets insets, int ipadx, int ipady)
          Creates a GridBagConstraints object with all of its fields set to the passed-in arguments.