Uses of Class

Packages that use Cursor

Uses of Cursor in java.awt

Fields in java.awt declared as Cursor
(package private)  Cursor Component.cursor
          The cursor displayed when pointer is over this component.
protected static Cursor[] Cursor.predefined
private  Cursor LightweightDispatcher.nativeCursor
          The cursor used by the native container that is hosting the lightweight components.

Methods in java.awt that return Cursor
 Cursor Component.getCursor()
          Gets the cursor set on this component.
static Cursor Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(int type)
          Returns a cursor object with the specified predefined type.
static Cursor Cursor.getSystemCustomCursor(String name)
static Cursor Cursor.getDefaultCursor()
          Return the system default cursor.
 Cursor Toolkit.createCustomCursor(Image cursor, Point hotSpot, String name)
          Creates a new custom cursor object.

Methods in java.awt with parameters of type Cursor
 void Component.setCursor(Cursor cursor)
          Sets the cursor image to the specified cursor.
 void LightweightPeer.setCursor(Cursor cursor)