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Plants Observed Along Mustang Island Transects

Waypoint Plants and Associated Environment
1 Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, larger flower.
2 Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, smaller flower.
3 Paspalum monostachyum, grasses, yellow smaller flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?.
4 Paspalum monostachyum, Bushy Bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus)
5 Paspalum monostachyum, Scirpus pungens, Bushy Bluestem around site.
6 Paspalum monostachyum, Scirpus pungens, Spartina patens, bushy bluestem near.
7 Paspalum monostachyum, Bushy Bluestem, scattered Scirpus Pungens, VBF
8 Paspalum monostachyum, Spartina Patens, Bushy Bluestem, scattered Scirpus pungens.
9 Paspalum monostachyum, Bushy Bluestem, Spartina patens. Low dune ridge.
10 Algae. Spartina Patens, Scirpus Pungens, scattered Scirpus
11 Scirpus pungens 3+ Paspalum monostachyum , Spartina patens, Bushy Bluestem.
12 Paspalum monostachyum
13 Thick Sporobolus, short (1.3') Borrichia, scattered Spartina spartinae (2.7')
14 Monanthochloe littoralis, scattered Salicornia, Monanthochloe 0.4', scattered Borrichia ~1'. Sporobolus
15 All Monanthochloe marsh. Algal mat. Tidal flat (sand).
16 Tidal flat, algal mat, spongy. Sand.
17 Tidal flat and margin of road. Buried algal mat.
18 Tidal flat, dense algal mat draped over veg stalks
19 Tidal flat algal draped over Monanthochloe stubs, scattered.
20 Tidal flat algal covering.
21 Edge of tidal flat on low mound in Monanthochloe. Algal mat
22 Monanthochloe mound, numerous sandy burrow piles.
23 Tidal flat, sand cover over algae.
24 Tidal flat, algal mat, Monanthochloe littoralis
25 Monanthochloe littoralis flat, cover varies.
26 Tidal flat, sand over algae.
27 Monanthochloe littoralis, algal mat.
28 Monanthochloe littoralis.
29 Tidal flat, sand veneer over algal mat and short stubs.
30 Tidal flat, thin veneer of sand over algal mat--spongy.
31 Tidal flat, thin veneer of sand over algal mat--spongy.
32 Tidal flat, thin veneer of sand over algal mat.
33 Tidal flat, thin veneer of sand over algal mat--spongy.
34 Tidal flat, algal mat, small amount of sand over top.
35 Tidal flat, algal mat, firm.
36 Tidal flat, ruts causing lows and highs. Sand over algae, short dead stubs.
37 Firm tidal flats, sand over algae.
38 Edge of low vegetated mound, and tidal flat/road. Veg on mound Monanthochloe and grass.
39 Tidal flat, algal mat (light colored)
40 Tidal flat.
41 Small clump Batis maritima
42 Tidal flat, firm.
43 Camphor daisy and other composites.
44 Paspalum monostachyum in seed, aster? Fimbistylus, fire wheel in low dune area.
45 Tidal flat, dead seagrass drift.
46 Tidal flat with dead annual Salicornia, some Batis.
47 Low berm along shore, Monanthochloe.
48 Spartina alterniflora on edge of bay, mixed with scattered Batis and dead Salicornia.
49 Back (gulfward) from WP 48 in Batis. Scattered dead annual Salicornia.
50 Dune side, instrument on sand. Pocket gopher mounds, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? larger flower.
51 Pocket Gopher sand mounds, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? (larger) Veg dense in clumps. Veg 2' on dunes.
52 Pocket gopher mounds, Paspalum monostachyum 1-2' high. Larger Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, low ground cover.
53 Paspalum monostachyum, Bushy Bluestem, some laying down ~ dense.
54 Scirpus Pungens abundant. Paspalum monostachyum and Pennywort. Tall ~3' Scipus pungens. Possibly Spartina patens, frogfruit near, Bushy Bluestem rare.
55 Clumps of Spartina spartinae. Abundant Scirpus pungens. Dense grass blown down by onshore wind.
56 Scirpus pungens, frogfruit, Borrichia scattered, wolfberry, dead wolfberry (S.Pungens)
57 On edge of cattail marsh, wolfberry, Borrichia. Possibly Paspalum vaginatum. Borrichia 2', Paspalum vaginatum 1.6'.
58 Cattail (7'), Clumps of Spartina spartinae, Borrichia and Paspalum vaginatum (2-2.5')
59 Spartina spartinae abundant, Bushy bluestem(4.8'), Fimbrystylis, Scattered Scirpus pungens, Spartina patens (2-2.3')
60 Spartina patens, Scirpus pungens (3.7'), Bushy bluestem, Frogfuit (2.3-2.8)
61 Boundary of VBF with abundant Bluestem and marsh with Scirpus pungens. Reading in VBF Dense marsh 1.2' and higher Bluestem 4.3'.
62 Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem (3'), Scattered Scirpus pungens, Dense.
63 Bushy Bluestem, Spartina spartinae, dense Paspalum monostachym. Grass ~2', Bluestem 4'
64 Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem (4.5'), Dense cover ~2'
65 Dense veg, hummocky Paspalum monostachym, Bluestem, dense 1.5'-2'. Paspalum and bluestem 3.6'
66 Vegetated dunes. Dense cover. Paspalum monostachym. Dense 2' scattered bluestem 3.7-3.8'
67 Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? plant (larger flower), Paspalum monostachym 3.3', not as dense.
68 Dense cover.Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem, pennywort.
69 Edge of standing water. Pennywort, Scipus pungens (3.7'), not too dense where reading was taken. Grass laying down, 1.5'
70 Scirpus pungens 4', Paspalum vaginatum? Cattail, plants laying down in water (~1') some tall Borrichia.
71 Scipus pungens lying at angle, Paspalum vaginatum? at ~ 1.2' Scirpus pungens 3.6'
72 Cover in water (dead grass covered in algae) high cattail on edge of site.
73 Algae covered Paspalum vaginatum? in water. Scirpus pungens laying down.
74 Ditch along road, dead cattail. Cover mostly dead and lying down. broken stems ~3.4
75 Mowed along highway. Paspalum vaginatum, pennywort, bluestem, swordgrass (Srirpus pungens).
76 Dead veg floating on water. 7' cattail on margin, scattered Scirpus pungens, vine (morning glory?) growing on dead stems.
77 Standing water, 20% cover, edge of cattail marsh, some dead. Morning glory growing up stems, submerged grass.
78 Matted veg lying down in water. Scirpus pungens, morning glory.
79 Matted veg lying down in water. Except for scattered Scirpus pungens, morning glory, some frogfruit.
80 Scattered Paspalum monostachyum, Scirpus pungens, bluestem, pennywort, frogfruit.
81 Scirpus pungens, morning glory, veg laying down mostly dead.
82 Scipus pungens, frogfruit, pennywort, dying umbrella grass, ground cover like Bacopa.
83 Scipus pungens, pennywort mostly dead lying down, frog fruit.
84 Scirpus pungens, pennywort, dead umbrella grass, frogfruit mostly lying down.
85 Scirpus pungens, frogfruit, pennywort that lay down.
86 Scirpus pungens (3'), pennywort, possibly Spartina patens.
87 Scirpus pungens, pennywort, frogfruit, morning glory, matted down along this area to south not as wet = bluestem.
88 100% veg except in water. Submerged in water about 50% cover Scirpus pungens, morning glory, pennywort, Spartina patens, possibly Bacopa
89 Low dune mound, Spartina patens, bluestem, pennywort, blue mist, pocket gopher mound.
90 Edge of low dune, Spartina patens,Bluestem, pennywort except on dune, 3.5' bluestem, umbrella grass dead.
91 Scirpus pungens taller than 3'. Bluestem, pennywort, umbrella grass, possibly patens.
92 Spartina patens, Bluestem, Scirpus pungens, Fibrystylis
93 Low hummocky dune, Paspalum monostachyum, Spatina patens, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? (larger flower), Bluestem.
94 Spartina patens, Paspalum monostachyum, umbrella grass scattered bluestem, scattered Scirpus pungens, Sporobolus?
95 Thick Spartina patens, Paspalum monostachyum, cactus nearby, Blue mist, Bluestem, possibly Spartina spartinae .
96 Thick Paspalum monostachyum, Spartina patens, larger Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, cactus, bluestem nearby 1-1.5, cactus and pennywort
97 Smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Paspalum monostachyum, cactus.
98 Cactus, smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, dead low grass, sand, composites.
99 Sand, smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, sparse. Dead grass.
100 Dead grass, pennywort, larger Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Paspalum monostachyum.
101 Hummocky Pocket gopher mounds, pennywort, Paspalum monostachyum, smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, low sand mounds.
102 Dead grass, sand, Smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? composites.
103 Backside of fore dune sand, composites, dead grass, smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, scattered bitter panicum, pennywort, Paspalum monostachyum, scattered sea oats ~4'
104 Smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, sea oats to 2.5' scattered clumps of composites, pennywort.
105 Bare sand mounds, croton, pennywort, composites, Gulf side of dune.
106 Pennywort, sea oats, locally croton, smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, composites, patch of sand.
107 Pennywort, small sand mounds, croton, smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?.
108 Croton, bitter panicum.
109 Face of sand dune covered with low Ipomoea (small leaf), dry sand. croton near, low.
110 Veg line averaged. Bare sand clumps of sand stabilize by Sesuvium nearby.
111 No vegetation
112 No vegetation
113 Mowed grass on edge of highway. Paspalum vaginatum, pennywort, Setaria, some Scirpus pungens.
114 Fairly dense Paspalum monostachyum, bluestem, Pennywort, S. patens? Smaller Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?.
115 Bluestem laying down 1ft.
116 S. patens, Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem laying down 1.6 Scattered bluestems 3.5'.
117 S. patens, Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem, small Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? composite.
118 Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? (small), Bluestem 2, cactus, edge of dune. Paspalum monostachyum may be most abundant.
119 Bluestem 2', S. patens, Paspalum monostachyum.
120 Spartina spartinae, Bacharis nearby, Bluestem 1 & 2,2.3 for mass, probably some Paspalum monostachum.
121 Spartina patens, Spartina spartinae, Bluestem 1&2 (4.5'), some frogfruit, mass 1.7. composites.
122 S.patens and S. spartinae possibly dominant, Pasplalum monostachyum, bluestem 2, opuntia, blue mist, composites.
123 S. patens, bluestem 2, Paspalum monostachyum, scattered Borrichia, small Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, veg mass 1.8.
124 Small Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Bluestem 2, Paspalum monostachyum, mass 1.6, composite flowers 3' cactus nearby.
125 Distichlis or Sporobolus, Fimbristylis, Spartina spartinae near on small dune high.
126 Monanthochloe, scattered Salicornia.
127 Tidal flat, algal mat.
128 Tidal flat, algal mat, spongy.
129 Tidal flat, algal mat, spongy.
130 Monantholoe and Salicornia, burrows, high edge of WTF.
131 Spartina spartinae, Bluestem 2(3'), low dune mound, mass 1.3
132 Edge of WTF and low mound, Monanthochloe, camphor daisy, Salicornia.
133 Low mound, Spartina spartinae, Bluestem2, mass 1.7, Bluestem2 >4'.
134 Dune mound. Spartina spartinae, Bluestem 1&2,(3'+) Scattered Baccharis, Mass 1.8' Shrubs 6'+ Blues mist.
135 Bushy bluestem2 (5' locally), Paspalum monostachyum, some Opuntia, 1.3' in mass, Some composites.
136 Bluestem2 (3.5'), Opuntia, Dry sand, veg mass 1', small Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? composite.
137 Paspalum monostacyum,Bluestem (4+') Scattered opuntia, Blue mist, Mass 1.8', Dense veg.
138 Spartina spartinae, Fimbristylus, Bluestem2, Baccharis shrubs up to 5.5'. Several along margin of mound. Blue mist, On edge of mound near WTF. Mass 1.2-3'
139 Matted Monanthochloe(0.6') littoralis, Salicornia+Wolfberry(1-2') but scattered, Borrichia, Distichlis slightly higher toward mound. Dead annual Salicornia.
140 WTF, algal mat.
141 WTF dead Salicornia annual. Edge of standing water. Batis in water. (dead mostly)
142 On WTF. Batis(0.5), dead Salicornia, Loose algal mass in water.
143 WTF, scattered dead annual Salicornia, Batis scattered nearby.
144 Muddy, loose algal mat, scattered dead Salicornia.
145 Loose algal mat, muddy: sink up to one inch, scattered dead Salicornia.
146 WTF as before muddy, scattered dead Salicornia.
147 Muddy, loose algal, water stands in tracks.
148 Same as above except wetter.
149 WTF, loose algae, scattered dead annual salicornia and Batis.
150 WTF, Scattered Batis(0.4) and dead annual Salicornia, 0.15 standing water and loose algae
151 WTF, dead Salicornia, clumps of Batis nearby.
152 WTF, dead Salicornia, clumps of Batis,loose algae.
153 WTF, More dead annual Salicornia, loose algae.
154 Near edge of WTF, algal mat, sink to sole tops.
155 Between WTF and Bell-shaped mound. Monanthochloe (lying down in some areas) and Batis mix.
156 Distichlis or Sporobolus, Damp sand, Spartina patens, and wolfberry up toward mound nearby 0.8 Distichlis.
157 Thick Spartina patens, Scattered bluestem 1&2, also Spartina spartinae, which may be more abundant2'-3' wit sp. laying down locally 1' when lying down.
158 Very dense spartina assemblage appears to be mixture of S. patens and S. spartinae. Also bluestem. 2.5 where laying down, other 4+ also Paspalum monostahcyum, more patens verified.
159 Bluestem 2, Spartina patens (dominant), mass 2.5 tall, stem >5.
160 Very thick Paspalum monostachum, Bluestem, Spartina patens very thick and high down slope. Small Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Mass ~2.5, stem ~ 3.8 Opuntia near.
161 Near crest of mound Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem2, dead sun flower, opuntia, small Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, mass~2', stems up to 4' (BS2) also possibly Aster nearby.
162 Going down other side of dune. Dense veg. Paspalum monostachyum, bluestem 2, Mass2', stems 5+ possibly Spartina? definitely on down slope.
163 Dense. Spartina patens, Bluestem 2, Spartina spartinae, mass 2-2.5, stem to 4.5.
164 Spartina spartinae clumps. Wolfberry, Borrichia, clumps 2.6, bare spots on soil between clumps.
165 Spartina spartinae clumps. Borrichia, mass~2' stems 3'
166 Spartina spartinae (1.5-2') clumps. Borrichia, Monanthochloe and wolfberry. Edge Monanthochloe 0.7'
167 Dense Monanthochloe, scattered Borrichia, wolfberry(0.2-0.7) ?? 1.4 Borrichia.
168 Monanthocloe, dense Borrichia and wolfberry. Monanthochloe 0.4-0.8, other 1.8.
169 Same as above. Mass 0.6 (Monanthocloe) wolfberry and Borrichia 1.5.
170 Dense Monanthochloe(0.4-1). very scattered Borrichia(1.2) and wolfberry.
171 Same as above with more Borrichia and wolfberry. mix with Monanthochloe dominant(0.4-0.9) other 1.8.
172 Same as before 0.4-0.7 Monanthochloe, Borrichia 2.3
173 Monanthochloe (0.6), Borrichia (2'), Spartina spartinae near (2.5-3)
174 Spartina spartinae mound. Monanthochloe 1.5', stems to 2.5.
175 barrier sand flat, low Salicornia and Monanthochloe.
176 Dense veg, Spartina spartinae, Bushy bluestem 1&2, Mass 2'
177 Dense Spartina spartinae, Bushy bluestem 1&2, Mass 2', stems 3' scattered shrubs to 4' mostly Baccharis.
178 Bluestem 1 (4.5), Spartina spartinae. Baccharis near thorny shrub ?? mass~1.7 shrubs 5'. Possibly Spartina patens?
179 Near edge of mound (bell shaped) Spartina spartinae stems(3), Bushy bluestem 1&2(4), low Baccharis 4', mass~2 Blue mist.
180 Batis and some perennial Salicornia(1.2) Spartina alterniflora short 2' taller towards bay.
181 Spartina alterniflora saturated, soft, growing in shallow water. Stinky soil Jeff knee high Spartina alterniflora, mangrove shrubs.
182 Spartina alterniflora marsh. Dense cover. leaves ~2.5; 0.1 stems in same area bayward 3.5
183 Black mangrove cluster in Batis, Spartina alterniflora 2.4' Monanthochloe near. 3'-5' Batis 1.3 and also Salicornia 1.7 over knee-high to waist.
184 Edge of water body, Salicornia, Spartina alterniflora dense leaves 2.5' stems 2.9', low, some Batis 0.4-1.5'
185 Batis (0.7-1') and Spartina alterniflora leaves and stems 2.9. Water oozes into tracks. Rich organic.
186 Batis, Spartina spartinae2.4 leaves, Salicornia, water saturated, heights of Batis and Salicornia more towards bay.
187 Salicornia dense 2.2-0.8 some Spartina alterniflora 1.8', water over soles or bottom of shoes.
188 Batis (1.4') Salicornia, scattered Spartina alterniflora (2')
189 Batis 1.3, water veneer in algae, near edge of WTF
190 WTF algal mat. Firm
191 WTF Dark algal mats. Firm to spongy.
192 WTF algal mat. Firm to slightly spongy
193 WTF algal mat, spongy.
194 WTF algal mat, spongy.
195 WTF algal mat, spongy.
196 Cyperus < 0.7', mound of sand next to site ~ 4' tall. Dry sand near edge of pond.
197 Disturbed sand. Tire tracks, Eleocharis 0.7', Cyperus 1' mostly barrier dry sand.
198 Mowed grass near HWY 1 Low grass. short Paspalum monostachyum, Cyperus up to 0.5' but moist flat on ground.
199 Spartina patens, Scipus pungens, Bluestem 1&2, composite veg BF Mass 2', laying over BS~3.7.
200 1' mass high VBF Bluestem 2 other grasses Spartina patens, Paspalum monostachyum.
201 VBF Spartina patens, bluestem 2 and 1, Paspalum monostachyum, mass 1.4 Bluestem 3'+.
202 VBF 1.8 Mass, Bluestem 2 3.8'
203 Hummocky, Bluestem 2 (4.5), Panicum? sp 2' Mass, small Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? composite.
204 VBF small Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? composite. Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem 2 Mass 1.5-2' also Opuntia(2.8). Scattered Bluestem 4.
205 Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem 1&2, Spartina spartinae, 1.6-2.3' mass, some laying down bluestem ~4 very hummocky.
206 Cattail, Bacopa, Borrichia waist high, Scipus pungens 6'.
207 Other side of cattail marsh. Paspalum monostachum, Bluestem 1&2 (3.2'), Mass 1.4, Scirpus pungens 4'+
208 Roadside ditch very thick grass, thick Paspalum vaginatum and Bacopa, Setaria 0.8' mass grasses some grass 2'+
209 Middle of beach
210 Beach
211 Back beach
212 Back beach traffic area.
213 Near dune edge (flat back beach).
214 Dune crest (fore dune), Bitter panicum and composite Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? plant veg~1.4-1.8
215 Edge of road to house on dune ridge. Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Bluestem, other greens, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?~2' lower ground cover 0.7'
216 High dune ridge along road to house, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Bluestem, other grasses and composites. some bluestem 1-2.5' veg some (few) tall sea oats 5'.
217 Dune Paspalum monostachyum, bluestem, composites. ??
218 Paspalum monostachyum, bluestem (2'), Opuntia
219 Standing water locally, Spartina patens, scattered umbrella grass (1.3), pennywort
220 Near dune crest, Spartina patens, Bluestem, Opuntia, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris? composite, Mass1', some~2.7, also some sea oats.
221 Paspalum monostachyum, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Opuntia, 2.5 Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?.
222 Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Suaeda, Opuntia, Mass 1.2' other 2.6.
223 VBF assemblage, Paspalum monotachyum, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Bluestem (3.5), abundant Opuntia, 1.5-2.4, Dense veg.
224 VBF assemblage, Paspalum monotachyum, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Bluestem to 4', opuntia.
225 Low stabilized dune, Paspalum monostachyum, some bluestem to 3.6, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, opuntia
226 Edge of low dune, Bluestem to 4', Paspalum monostachyum, Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?, Spartina patens.
227 Fallen dead grass, small depression. Spartina patens, Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem 4 0.4' dead grass, Cyperus, S. Patens 3.5, 40% lying down.
228 VBF Paspalum monostachyum, bluestem 4', Spartina patens.1.4-1.8 Mass
229 VBF low dune, 1.8-2' mass, Spartina patens, Paspalum monostachyum, Bluestem to 3.8.
230 Low dune Bluestem (3.2), Paspalum monostachyum, Spartina patens, Opuntia2', mass 2-2.2', Yellow flower, Heterotheca subaxillaris?.
231 VBF Mass 0.5-2' Bluestem 3', Spartina patens, Paspalum monostachyum.
232 Disturbed from digging and tracks. Pennywort, Spartina patens, short Bluestem, Paspalum monostachyum, mass 0.3' dead grass laying down Eleocharis ~4m wide depression leads to pond bayward mound bayward.
233 Cleared mostly barren area next to pond, sand with ruts toward pond, short grass possibly Eleocharis, 0.3 veg clumps.
234 Bacopa, Borrichia, tall dead woody plant some kind of Sesbania 6-8' 0.7-1.5 Paspalum monostachyum, Spartina spartinae clumps cattail, Sporobolus abundant.
  Updated March 31, 2004