Introduction to Carbonate Facies, Depositional Environments, and Depositional Systems

Robert G. Loucks, Charles Kerans, Xavier Janson
Bureau of Economic Geology

Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory

Design Objectives


A “depositional system’ is a three-dimensional association or assemblage of facies (environments) genetically linked by active (modern) or inferred (ancient) environmental and sedimentary processes (Fisher and McGowen, 1967). This concept allows the grouping of facies into a larger entity to understand the association of the separate facies (environments).

Examples of depositional systems:

A platform-margin sand-shoal depositional system is composed of several main facies:

(1) shoal crest facies

(2) washover-fan facies

(3) tidal channel facies

Cat Cay platform-margin sand shoal complex along the western margin of the Great Bahamas Bank.

A platform-margin reef depositional system is composed of several main facies:

(1) fore-reef facies

(2) reef-crest facies

(3) reef-apron facies

A well-developed platform-margin barrier reef offshore from southern Belize.




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